Wednesday, December 15, 2010

knowing the joys of a teacher

I always admire teachers; they are the keys to our future. They literally hold the potential of the world in their hands. But I didn’t feel like I could ever possibly to this work. This is a great gift that God has given many but not myself. However, recently my neighbor, the other ‘blan’ in the neighborhood went back the United States for a visit. He asked if I could help by being the ‘native English speaker’ but I wouldn’t have to teach just pronounce the words. I thought it would be a great learning experience and also maybe enable me to learn a little Creole in the process. It has been a great blessing to help with the classes and I have been more and more comfortable with being able to do so. I listen as the students struggle and struggle with certain words. You wouldn’t know this but there are no ‘th’ sounds in Creole, this makes many, many words in the English language difficult for the Haitians to pronounce. But they continue to work so hard. Then suddenly they will have it! A break through and they get the sound. It is just such a blessing to help with this process. I will hopefully continue to help with classes even after Lee returns. There is also a class in teaching reading and writing to those that can’t and I may help with that. Education is a truly amazing thing, it can change the world if you let it.

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