Friday, December 3, 2010

Do you have to work for your water?

This morning I woke up to the sound of drumming. At first in my groggy state and ear plugs I wasn’t sure what it was. But it was persistant and right near my door. Suddenly I knew what it was. It was my little neighbor boys, that Paul’s family have named ‘petite Angelica’ (my children). I opened my door and stepped outside and it was indeed them beating on empty gallon jugs. They were going to fill up the water for the day. The older boy Frensi, 7years old had 2 gallons and the other Chadson, 5years old had 1 gallon. I am not sure how far they have to walk for the water. I will find out next time when I am not in my pajamas. They were drumming along because they wanted to tell me Bonjou. I talked with them for a minute and then they were on their way. Shortly after that when I was ready to brush my teeth I realized my canteen of water was empty. I stooped down on the floor to pour some water from my large 5 gallon culligan to my smaller bottle so I could brush my teeth. It’s definitely become normal – not a big deal at all. But I thought about my bathroom back home where I simply turned on the faucet to brush my teeth. And then I thought of my boys again, who knows how far they were walking to get water. But I do know they walk that path at least twice a day. I had visited a friend of mine yesterday who was getting ready to take a bath after working a long day moving rocks. But first he had to go get the water down to the well. But it is all just part of the day; along the way to get water you will greet your neighbor and listen to the roosters crowing and thank God for another day.

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