Thursday, November 25, 2010

Take time to notice & appreciate the little things

I must lead a charmed life. This phrase has been popping in my head lately for some reason. I think it is because thoughts/prayers have been answered lately. On Monday I had been looking at pictures when the team was in Haiti and the over abundance of coconut milk we drank. And I was missing the coconut milk. Tuesday I visited Sonya; Nesley climbed up in the tree to get a coconut for us to drink. I had one today at Gurtude’s house too. Then I had talked about not being able to talk to Lee (the other American that lives in Mizak) for some time and last night we talked for a good hour. Sunday, I was thinking about some variety in my rice and beans diet, don’t get me wrong I like rice and beans but miss some things. Then for lunch they fixed my favorite pumpkin soup and we had cake, because there was good sun. Tonight, coming home from Jacmel, I was worried we would not find a Tap-tap to cross the river it was getting late and dark. Eddy could tell I was concerned but assured me we were going to be fine. Shortly after this, a truck came and Eddy knew the driver. We had a free ride all the way home to Mizak. Eddy says, “I told you not to worry we were safe. See no problem. Ca va?” I just smiled “Wi sa va. [yes I am good]” Maybe it’s Eddy that leads the charmed life. I suppose it’s all in your perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog. It's weird, little bits of familiar watching you interacting with your surroundings, but also getting a glimpse of a world that is so completely different from anything I have ever known. I have been trying to figure out how to link this to the side bar of my blog that way my friends can read it too, if that's ok with you? <3 you. Miss you. Thinking of you.
