We are never too old or to young to learn so much in our lives. And people of all ages, economic status and cultures teach us about our lives. God comes to us in many different forms we just have to be paying attention. Sometimes this is easier said then done. Especially when this is coming in the attitude of a teenager. They sometimes have wisdom much beyond there years and are speaking the word of God.
I witnessed a young man last week that was touched by the holy spirit. Which was difficult to let happen because of coarse it came at 11:30pm. But I let him stay up for a bit and finish writing.
He humbly shared the words that came to him with a group of his peers with a touch of fear on whether it would be accepted. But confident that these words came to him and were inspired from God. The words were fitting to the week and related to many different people. God uses all people all over the world to touch our lives. But we need to be paying attention. Listen, Listen. It might just be the voice of God speaking to you.
Our souls have changed hands. Where humans used to be ruled by our mistakes, we are now watched over with everlasting acceptance. We used to belong to temptation, now we owe ourselves to a life after temptation.
All our souls were property to our own mortality, our own flesh,... and hate, and lies, and sin.
But our souls have changed hands. It was a high price, but our lives, our eternal hearts, were brought back from the slaveholder. So rejoice, because we have all been set free.
A lot of us... all of us, still act like we're slaves though. We let our mortality drag us down. We get stressed. We let our fear keep us from living. We're a freed people living like slaves.
So tonight, for Silent Night, lets be free. Tonight, I'm going to live without thoughts of death. I'm going to start paying back my debt to God. And you all have the chance to join me. Let's all be free children of God tonight. ~Jacob Manlove
"Let's all be free children of God [everyday]" ...If you know how loved you are by God; part of celebrating your freedom is showing those that don't know - the joy of the love you know.
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