Saturday, September 3, 2011

What is really needed this season?

This season has made me think about what is really needed in our world. In Haiti there is always people coming to ask for something. It can be overwhelming sometimes, but their are many needs of the people. There is the common asking in the streets for some change or food. This is come to be expected and I think that might be their view on it too, it is just second nature to ask the visiter in your town. But then there are other requests; ones where I see the person coming to Lee's home or to the Learning Center for LMI. Often times it looks like they are embarassed that they need to ask but also feel as though they have no other choice. The other day a woman came to ask for her child to be in the sponsorship program. We of course have too many people in the sponsorship program already. I can always see with Lee his heart breaks when he has to tell people, 'no' the list is already too long. It broke my heart too as I watched this interaction and tears well up in my eyes. But these are the realities of the world we live in.
I remember one other day we were sitting in the house talking and this young man, all of 8 or 9 years old comes walking in the house. With his little button down shirt tucked into his high-water jeans with his belt cinched up, he addressed Mr. Lee with confidence. He was requesting to go to school. He talked for sometime and then patiently waited. Lee stirred and shifted....and I felt the same uncomfortableness. How can you tell a 8 year old boy 'no, we can't help you go to school'? ....well you can't. You take his picture and add him to the list and pray. You just continue to pray and have faith that you will find more sponsors. It only costs $150 to send a child to school for a year. This covers their tuition, books, and uniform. Maybe you can answer a prayer for a Haitian Family and make a difference and give something that is really needed in this world. Education and change for our future. Following blog are kids you could sponsor. Contact me at if you are interested. Thanks.

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