I needed to go down to Jacmel, so I called Tigo to ask him if he was going that way. He was and leaving now. I quickly gathered all of my things and hurried down to meet the truck, only to see we were headed in the other direction. Oh well, here is to adventures. I jumped in the back of the truck as there were already people up front. I was with about 15 cement sacks and 3 ladies, 1 of which was lying in the bed of the truck against the cement bags with a shirt over her head. She didn’t look well, tired and exhausted from a hard life. As we rode up the bumpy mountain; I tried to soak in the scenery and think about life, my life, the Haitian life, the varying degrees of life in Haiti and the world. We passed by big beautiful houses with no one living in them and children with raggy clothes carrying water. I thought about the beauty of the county as I gazed down at the trees in the valley then the misery I have heard the Haitians speak of.
Its complex God and I don’t understand.
We arrived in another community, Blokes, people tried to tease the ‘blan’ a bit I just played back. We ate an orange as we waited for people to load up in the truck to go back to Jacmel. I watched this sweet baby girl in a little red dress eat a banana while she waited with us for the truck to go too. And I watched the humor and compassion of the people even with orange peels and trash in the street.
Maybe it is not so complex God and maybe I don’t need to understand.
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