This was a house that really needed replaced but we had to do something so it made it to the top of our repair list. This is the house now as you see.
The team a couple weeks ago for the house repairs started on it. And seeing how close the house was to just being replaced they asked how much more it would cost to just finish the whole thing. It was only another $250 to complete the whole house. So what a blessing the team decided to complete the house. I was overjoyed when this happened and new there was a little divine intervention at hand. This last team that was here was also able to work down at this house too. And today the boss men are down in Shilo working on putting the stucco on the outside of the house. It brings true joy deep in my heart seeing this house come together and all the hands that were involved in the process.
Continued progress on the house - Febuary - 21st Christy and I visited and tried our hand at mixing concrete.
Yay God!!