Monday, August 9, 2010

Experiening The World Cup for the first time in Haiti

Experiencing The World Cup in Haiti was an incredible experience. First of all let me just say I have never watched a foutbòl (soccer for the few in the US) game in my life. Honestly I am not sure I was real aware at how big a deal this event is. Sadly, but in the United States, not such a big deal. Not the case in Haiti or really for the rest of the world - apparently.
First of all there was the buzz the days before the games would start. Everyone had to get there little brochures with the info about the games, teams, so they could keep track of the brackets.
Then the games began - something came over Haiti. Everywhere you turned you heard radios and televisions set to the games. You also heard these 2 theme songs I have attached -ALL the Time! When I hear them now it takes me right back to Haiti, and brings back so many memories.
One more thing to share about the games - when Brazil would play - This is Haiti's team. I asked around as to why and I guess they play similar in style to the Haitians. So we watched the Brazil game at a friends, cousin's house. When Brazil would score everyone would be up out of their chairs screaming and cheering. Then they would run outside. (which I found very strange) So the 2nd or 3rd time this happened I followed them outside and you could hear from many different distances the Haitian people cheering! The whole neighborhood would erupt when Brazil scored a goal. :) It was so fun. It showed me the playfulness and joy of the Haitian people - I soaked it in and wanted to share it with you.

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