I have had many transition over the last year. Many I am still coming to terms with at this time. But I am growing learning and adjusting much like this story I would like to share with you.
I woke up in
the morning in my first fall quarter at Southwestern College where I am studying Art Therapy / Counseling; with these
thoughts in my mind and heart. A little story, a poem, words for my own soul
that maybe you need to hear too. To all
who read this who feel as a caterpillar, or maybe you are having growing pains in the cocoon…remember you will fly when you are ready!
Transitioning Butterfly

I have
seen butterflies.
Do I
remember how they fly?
they flutter, glide, or ride the wind?
Do they
choose where to go?
they feel drawn by an energy source going here or there?
They flutter from here to
there like the world needs them to send a message of peace to all that might
gaze upon them. She has a secret; I know she does. Maybe she could teach me, but I fear she will
be gone by the time I struggle and break free for myself. No, I know this is something I must do on my
own. But for now, I will watch her
flutter and dance. I will start to move
my wings the way I think they need to move. I will gaze at the vibrant colors
and then close my eyes and try and pull those colors down into myself.
will my colors be - blue, yellow, shades of orange, accents of black? Or a psychedelic changing from green to blue to purple depending on how the
light is touching it.

fear.” Now you know that is not true.
I can
feel the colors emerging so much I can smell them. I will continue to pull them
into me.
I am
still blossoming and developing – I can feel it in my soul.
I am aware of my wings as
I am still growing.
And then one day I will push
and twist and move like a strong dancer as my mighty wings emerge. And then, then I shall fly, and flutter, and
dance. I shall let the wind carry me, and I shall move toward the flower in
I will dance with the other
butterflies but only for a bit,
I have so many places to go.
I will
visit the caterpillars along the way.
I shall kiss them on their back and
encourage them with a whisper.
“You are a beautiful butterfly too! You will start to feel it and sense it and
then be one! Transformations take time
sweet caterpillar, but remember you are a butterfly!”
I love it! I can imagine you emerging from your studies with lifted wings! So beautiful...