This passage was shared with me in Haiti during a devotional time by a pastor who was a member of a team. We were to reflect on the message of this throughout our day. These are my reflections from some time back.

This passage reigns true in Haiti, now more than ever. The people had a hard life before the earthquake but they managed. Now their suffering is very much being tested. Many, many Haitians are displaced throughout the county side, with no homes or jobs – they are living with family or lucky to have a tent on the side of the mountain top. But still they love life. They praise God for what they have. They enjoy visits from family and friends and strangers and welcome them.
I was joking with a friend about how many people can ride a tap-tap (Haitian taxi)?
the answer – 1 more.
How many people will we visit on the country side on our walk to the lake?
the answer – just 1 more.
How many people do we feed when we have food? one more.
Isn’t this the way Jesus fed the thousands with so very little food. He just kept sharing and said one more. All those who are weary come to me and I will give you shelter – HOPE – Truly Isaiah's words in 40:31 are never more true than in Haiti. God bring them refuge – let them soar on eagles wings so finally, finally they may live in a world where they are not weary, they will not be faint and they will have peace. This is the true peace and meaning of Shalom. Peace in and through you our eternal Savior. And when, everyone feels the true peace of your Shalom, we will all know love and we will share it with just one more, maybe one more Haitian, one more Sri Lankan, one more Korean, one more American.

My hope this Christmas season is that you see the true meaning of the season. It is not about getting the newest gadget, the new look of the year, or upgrading what you have. It is to share the blessings you have already been given to others. Share with just 1 more! ...the love of the Christmas Season. Thank you Baby Jesus for teaching us to love.
The pictures are taken from 'Heifer International' Pass on the Gift
If you are interested in purchasing an animal and giving to Heifer please let me know the 1st UMC in Vermillion is doing it this year.
You/I can send a gift to your loved one saying - For Example:
$20 was sent to buy Ducks and Geese in your name. They are easy to care for and provide a hungry family with nutritious, protein packed eggs to eat and sell at the market. Or if you would like to give to the Kids Club Christmas party in Haiti I will have more info on the next blog. Thanks.