One of the things that makes me happy in this world is the connections we have. I am not sure that I have expressed this before in my blogging or not. But I love how the world is connected for the worse or for the better, we are together in this. It is essential for us to realize this in order for the world to work better together. Of course with the internet is very apparent how small our world really is. At any given time you can know what is going on around the world. When the Earthquake happened in Haiti I felt like I was there experiencing it with them. I was watching the news and immediately was heart broken and wanted to know where my loved ones were. Recently there has been the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and many people are concerned and feeling that impact of that as well. We are all connected to these situations either by first hand or through friends or co-workers. It is truly a small world.
I have also been realizing this more and more with teams coming down to Haiti and the connections that are made with teams. Cheryl a member of one of our teams worked with kids in the United States on making Angels out of paper plates and pipe cleaners with the kids picture on them. They wanted the kids of Haiti to know that they were praying for them and that we all have Angels in our lives. The kids in Haiti are connected with the kids in Michigan that made the Angels.
The children that were involved in receiving these angels are from Peace Pals. Peace Pals is a type of Sunday school that happens every Saturday for about 200 children from the community. There is a dance group that has started from Peace Pals. They are called ‘Nouvela Twel’ [New Stars] and started about 1 ½ months ago. Christy, another American has been leading them in a dance routine that will be performed in a video this summer. The video will look into the girls’ lives of what it is like to grow up as a young lady in Haiti. The group is working hard at encouraging not only in dance but in their future lives.
The girls were very excited to hear about these children in Michigan that cared about them and wanted this connection. In response we had the children in Haiti make Stars for the children in Michigan. We talked to them about the tradition in the United States about when you see a shooting star you can make a wish. We told the girls when they looked at the stars they can think about their futures and their dreams. And also that there is a child in the United States that is thinking and praying for them too.