Sunday, November 13, 2016

"Faint-heart, What got into you?"

Until opening by blog this morning, I didn't realize it had been so long since I had wrote a blog!  I am sorry for that.  I somehow lost my voice, writers block, busyness of life, having a 2 year old, starting a new job, I am sure there are more excuses.  But this past weekend we had a Fall Retreat for the youth in Michigan at Judson Collins Center (which I will write more about in the next blog.)  The retreat was titled Dream Big!  I did a talk on Trusting God.  Spending time with the youth talking about following their dreams, made me realize that I have not been doing all I can to follow my dreams.  I have been in a rut and dragging my feet.  
And so, I started reflecting on achieving the impossible. I shared the scripture with the youth about Jesus calling Peter out of the boat. 

"Peter, suddenly bold, said, “Master, if it’s really you, call me to  come to you on the water.” He said, “Come!” Jumping out of the boat, Peter walked on the water to Jesus. But when he looked down at the waves churning beneath his feet, he lost his nerve and started to sink. He cried, “Master, save me!” Jesus didn’t hesitate. He reached down and grabbed his hand. Then he said, “Faint-heart, what got into you?” 

I was once bold about my dream, God's dream.  On good days I felt like I could walk on water or accomplish the impossible.  Lately I have been feeling less inspired, this weekend I heard God saying to me, in that gentle loving way ..."Faint-heart, What got into you?"  And between the retreat weekend and taking some of the Haitian Crafts to a Craft Sale with my encouraging Aunts and others; I heard Jesus again softly saying to me. "Come!"
Focusing, thinking and reflecting on Haiti made me think of one of my greatest accomplishments last year when we went to Haiti for those 5 months.  Two years ago the artist Nicole who makes the baskets with a group of ladies came to show me her beautiful work..  I am always overwhelmed when I see these gems.  I talked with her about coming to visit her house where all these ladies work.  I would love to meet everyone.  Her response, "Oh you can't get there.  It is too difficult to travel."  I felt dismayed and discouraged.  The next year I said I would do it, but her words echoed in my head.  "You can't." And so that was one of my biggest regrets of that year, not going!  Not getting out of the boat.  So last year. I was determined, no matter what that was my top priority! 
So Raphael, my husband and I set out on motorcycle up the mountain to see the ladies.  
This is the view we had from the top
And this is where we left the motorcycle as far as
we could travel by motorcycle time to walk.
You can see how rough the terrain is on the rocky path and the steepness of the mountain.  There were times I had to have Raphael walk ahead of me so I could hold on to him as not to fall.  It seemed impossible!  
At times I thought Nicole was right, I can't get there.  But other people lived here.  Nicole traveled this road every time she carried all those baskets.  And the views were incredible and encouraging.
A very old cystern for water.
Nicole's sister our guide down the mountain.
“No one gets very far unless he accomplishes the impossible at least once a day.” – Elbert Hubbard

I almost fell a couple of times.  My knees and back were hurting.  I wondered if we would ever get there and what I had gotten myself into? ...and oh dear God I am going to have to climb back up this steep hill.  And then we rounded a corner and this was our view.

Oh my Goodness!  
Picture perfect - It was better than I could have dreamed!  Dream Big!
Dream Big that was our theme from this weekend.  God is calling you out of the boat.  The journey might be long, it might seem impossible, but you are being called, Come!  Don't wait 2 years like I did.  Take courage because with God walking down the steep mountain with you, you will get there and be surprised at what God and you can accomplish.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

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